Sunday, January 13, 2013

I Was Gonna Date This Thing But Then I Realized That's Redundant

Wow this font is FUG

Oh God, that's so much better.

Ooh colors!

Okay, okay, I'm done. What can I say? Shiny new blog and options, I get distracted. Though apparently not so new cause I've had this for years, I just never had a use for it. Well I've got a use now! Here I go! What the fuck am I replying to?

Oh right.

Should we do a fancy summary thing?

Last Time on Hey Jake, I'm Blogging: Jessica discussed her frustration at trying to find the re-release of Animorphs #8 while throwing out vlogbrothers references like they're going out of style. Jake replied with Obi-Wan and Demona and some words and stuff. ...this isn't working for me. We'll need to discuss an intro thing.

The problem with taking inspiration from a vblog and trying to translate it in to a a blog blog is that a lot of things like intros and so forth don't work as well if they're just written.  This make me wonder how much of an 'introduction' each of our posts actually need. I guess what it comes down to is am I writing this blog just for you - Jake aka one of my bff's - or for some poor soul that might stumble across this blogging experiment and wonder what it's all about. I guess we can create a post where we explain in detail what this is all about and then link to it every time, but honestly, I'm writing this for us so there's that.

I gotta say, it feels weird starting another blog considering that I now have a facebook, twitter, tumblr, livejournal, myspace, pinterest AND Blogspot that I'm planning on updating. Well, I don't update myspace anymore but I will never delete it because Darren Hayes commented on one of my pictures. Though I guess that's going to be lost forever because I can't remember my goddamn log-in info to get in to MySpace to link to the amazingness that was Darren's comment on one of my photos. See, this just makes me wanna go around the internet and try and move everything in to one convenient location. I hate having things scattered everywhere (a fact you'd never guess looking at my room) but I can't think of a good way to gather it all together. For a while I started to pull  all my journal entries + recieved comments into a word document, a project that I might start again now that I've remembered it. 

I also feel weird having my whole sorta history out on the interwebs. I mean, anyone can see how weird I was before I matured. Just take a look at my first ever deadjournal entry:

This is my first entry...EVER!!! HAHAHA! Well, I'm not that great when it comes to updating journals, but maybe this will be different cause I'm always on the computer anyway. Hmmm...I hope so. 

Um, okay, I guess that sounds kinda familiar

Well, a lot of stuff has happened lately. One of my best on-line friends and her sister came to visit me and I'm having so much fun! At first I was a bit worried that they wouldn't like me or my family but it all seems to be working out just fine!

It went so well that she lives down the street from me now. Mwahahaha!

Oh OH!!! I met Todd Nauck (artist for Young Justice)! He's so great and wonderful! I love that man! He drew me a picture of Robin! Robin... *Drool!* He was sooooo nice! Granted, I was incredibly nervous (not as nervous as my 2 friends though) and didn't talk for the longest time but eventually I loosened up and even asked for "a quick sketch of Robin" and he gave me a complete picture!! I almost died! I woof you Nauck!

Well that's just...I don't get excited over comics anymore...I'm totally not in love with Robin anymore...I've matured...I've moved on...STOP LOOKING!





I tried...

Best wishes!


PS - I'm on my laptop so I don't have my my Homestuck bookmark. I'll start keeping track of that next entry.

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oooh snap, it's a blogspot post

Watch me scramble as I try to figure out yet another social media. JFC, I just got the hang of tumblr and now I'm moving this blogging thing over here. Why? Cause I'm a comment whore, that's why. So comment.

Something Happy and Something Sad
Hey Jake,
Blogging? I can blog. I’ve blogged since the days of deadjournal.  
Holy shit! Deadjournal LIVES!
Anyway, yes, blogging. Sure thing. Regular updating? Um, I’ll try really hard. I hope that works for you cause that’s as good as you’re gonna get XD
So I was watching vlogbrothers and I strongly suggest you do the same because they have nomed my brain and I’m sure there’ll be Nerdfighter references all over the damn blog. But I digress. I was watching vlogbrothers and Hank made a video about things that make him happy because too often things that make us sad get attention and we take the things that make us happy for granted.
But what about when something that makes us happy also makes us sad? 
Example, you know what makes me happy?
Animorphs #8
the captcha I had to enter to upload this to tinypic was ‘ermahgerd’ 
I don’t have to explain to you why this makes me happy. It’s Animorphs! And it was the first time we got Aximili as a narrator who was my favorite character for a long time. Also the first time we saw an Andalite - yesh! It wasn’t until I started re-reading them (the first time) that my favorite character became Jake. Oh, and Jake being played by Sean Ashmore in the tv show certainly didn’t hurt either.
Speaking of the tv show, apparently the dude that played Ax does porn now. I read it on the internet, it must be true.
You know what makes me sad?
You know why? Cause I can’t fucking find it anywhere! I ordered it on Amazon only to get an email months later stating that they have to cancel my order due to unavailability of the product. WHY YOU TEASE ME SO, AMAZON?
Next step was going to the website of Barnes & Nobels Noble to try and order it there. Turns out I can only get the e-reader version. I don’t want the e-reader version. I can’t put that on my shelf next to the oldskool Animorphs books. Fine, whatever, internets you have failed me. I’m gonna go to an actual, physical Barnes &  Nobles Noble and buy it there.
Do you realize how difficult it is to find an actual, physical book store these days? Back in my our day you couldn’t walk in to a mall without finding one and now I actually had to search! I finally found one at the Santa Monica Promenade. Filled with hope I dashed over to one of the employees and waved my money in her face while yelling Animorphs #8: The Alien, please! Re-release! =D
She stared at me dumbfounded for a moment and then proceeded to type on the computer.
We only have the e-reader version.
We only have the e-reader version.
We only have the e-reader version.
WHAT?! They’re a real, physical book store! They’re supposed to have real, physical books! I gotta be honest, a part of me wanted to argue, but I didn’t, cause that would be dumb. I bought A Song of Ice and Fire instead.
So now I’m on a quest to find Animorphs #8: The Alien the re-release. In fact, that’s gonna be my New Year’s Resolution. If you find it anywhere, dear God, let me know!
This also made me think about e-books. On one hand, they’re a great alternative to physical books. The amount of paper that’s saved has to be staggering (or at least it is in my mind) and of course they’re a million times more efficient and organized, but I can’t help but worry. You know how quickly digital data storage and formats become obsolete. Will future archaeologists have anything to study? Or will they simply find a powerless e-reader, laugh at our primitive technology and put it on display in a museum without ever being able to retrieve the words stored inside it?
That said, I’m gonna start getting more e-books to save trees because if we don’t have a planet in the future then what am I worrying about futuristic archaeologists for? 
So yes, e-books for me. Except for Animorphs. I want those real, physical re-releases so they can join their real, physical oldskool brothers on my realy, physical shelf.
Best wishes!

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